P.E class

Hello lovelies! So today I wanted to write a blog post but I just couldn’t think of anything that I felt like writing, but then I remembered that I have countless embarrassing stories from my sports class! Therefore, I am going to share a couple of stories with you.

So like most schools, it’s usually compulsory to have to do sport as one of your classes. I have to, and it’s probably one of the subjects I loathe the most. I mean, I am just not that coordinated and every lesson, I usually seem to make a fool of myself somehow. It would probably be unusual for me not to embarrass myself during a P.E class.

One time, the course we were doing was basketball and I was actually quite enjoying it. I wasn’t the best at it, but I usually managed to play it okay. So one day, I was playing basketball and I was doing a pretty damn good job at it too. I was also really excited because it was like the first time I was actually not making a huge fool out of myself in sport. I was getting a few goals and the teacher and some of my other class mates seemed to be pretty impressed. So I’m dribbling the ball up the court, literally so close to getting a goal when I feel someone on my tail. It turns out it was one of my opposing players and former ex best friend from primary school. Let’s just say that she wasn’t the nicest of girls and when I stopped being friends with her because she treated me like crap, she kind of began to hate me. Oh and did I mention that she’s really popular now and kind of intimidates me? Anyway, so she’s on my tail but I wasn’t giving up, I was going to get a goal. I kept running until… boom! I’m body slammed to the ground and everyone in the gym went silent. Oh and because my opposing player didn’t realise that she’d pushed me down (I think), she kept running for a bit which made me slide against the floor, which also made a loud squeaky sound on the floor as I kept being pushed. She eventually stopped and realised what she had done and immediately apologised, so at least she said sorry. I don’t think she meant to do it, but damn that hurt. Plus, I was majorly embarrassed as the whole class was staring at me!

Another time was when I was in the change rooms changing into my sport uniform when my friend told me that my crush (who is a major hottie by the way) was standing outside near the change rooms. He must’ve had a sport class at the same time as me so he was probably waiting for his teacher. Anyway, once I was dressed, I walked out of the change room and strutted past him with my friends. I thought, hey, maybe he would see me for once! Anyway, we walked into the gym and from where he was, he could see inside of the gym and he happened to be looking at us. While the rest of the girls in my class were waiting for the teacher, they were shooting hoops with basketballs so I decided to join in and look sporty in front of my crush. This obviously did not go to plan. I grabbed a ball, and began to run up to the hoop. I was pretty sure I looked good but then, I tripped over my own foot as I was running and nearly fell over but luckily didn’t. I was just hoping he didn’t see that. But no, that didn’t stop me, I kept running and hurled the ball upward, aiming to get a goal. Unfortunately the ball did not go in the hoos and I had managed to trip over my own feet again just a I took the shot, which this time made me fall over. I fell face first onto the gross gym floor as my friends ran over to me to see if I was okay. I then looked over to my crush where he was laughing at me with his friends. Then I decided that I couldn’t get more embarrassed enough so I just layed on my back on the ground and decided to stay there for a while. I practically died of embarrassment!

I hope you all enjoyed reading about my sport class mishaps and I hope they made you laugh a little! And just remember, embarrassing moments make the best memories.

Stay beautiful,

Just a girl with no clue, is logging off xx





Life can be hard

Hey everyone, I’m back on my blog! I know, I haven’t been on here for ages and I’m really sorry for that 😦 Let’s just say that a lot of bad things have been happening to me lately and it’s just really hard to do this and deal with everything else which has been going on. But I’ve come to realise that this blog has actually helped me deal with things, and that I enjoy it too much to just give it up for a small rough patch that’s happening in my life.

So as I previously said, a lot of bad things have happened to me lately. I’m not going to go into detail, but I’ve just been very down for the last couple of weeks. Some unfortunate things have happened to one of my siblings which just has affected my family very significantly, along with friend problems and having a bad relationship with my dad. It’s just like all of these problems came at once and it got a bit too much. And none of these issues have been solved either, but I’ve decided to be optimistic.

I have been moping around, feeling sorry for myself for about a month and I’ve had enough. I’m always faking my happiness, saying that I’m fine, laughing to cover my sadness and I feel like I haven’t smiled for real in a very long time. But now, I’m not going to fake being happy, I’m going to be happy. Yes, I have a lot of bad things going on at the moment but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be happy for all of the good things in my life! This bad place I’m in right now, it will pass and it will become just a little tiny bump on the road of my life. I’m going to be happy and I’m not going to let my sadness take over my whole life. Now, I’m not saying that it’s not okay to be sad, because being sad once in a while is just part of life. I’m saying that you shouldn’t let it control you or your happiness.

So when you are going though a tough time, just remember that it will pass, just remember that in twenty years time, when you’re rich and famous, this tiny thing that’s happening right now will hardly mean anything to you! I want every one who reads this post to know that you are strong, and the sadness WILL go away.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I will definitely be posting more very soon 🙂

Stay beautiful,

Just a girl with no clue, is logging off xx




Granny pyjamas?

Hello everyone! I know, I’m a horrible, horrible person because i haven’t posted anything in a whole month. I feel terrible. Trust me, I haven’t forgotten about this blog at all because I always think, ‘that would be good to write on my blog’ or ‘I should tell everyone about what just happened on my blog.’ I just never actually end up writing it! I think you jut get so caught up in life, that you forget to do some of the things that make you the happiest. And this blog is honestly one of the best things I have. So I am so sorry that I haven’t been around lately, I promise you that will change!

So today I want to talk to you about a very embarrassing and uh… interesting experience I had lately. Every year, at my school, we have this competition when people of about groups of twenty have to do a perfromace and sing a song in front of the whole school. And then the teachers that are the judges, decides who wins. I have done it every year since i’ve been in high school and it is such a great experience! Although, many people say that it’s only for losers and its ‘not cool’ to do it. But I still do it anyway because I want to get involved and enjoy my high school experience as much as I can!

So of course this year I signed up and my group leaders decided that we were doing the song Bad Blood by Taylor Swift… But with a slight twist. Basically, it was set in an old peoples retirement home and it was all about us bickering with each other. It was a hilarious idea. So we practiced it for weeks but then came the day I realised that I would hvae to wear old peoples clothes in fron of the whole entire school! I tried to not let it worry me too much, but you have to admit, I was pretty much commtting social suicide. So I asked my mum for some help with choosing out a costume and she said I can wear some floral pyjamas that looked like a grandma would wear with my pink dressing gown that I have had since forever. So I thought that would be a pretty good costume and I actually loked like an old lady when I tried it on.

The performance day came and I was ready… but kind of nervous that I was going to be dressed a a granny in front of th whole school. Goodbye to any possible guy I could date… Goodbye to people thinking I was normal…

But before the performance, I realised that other peoples thoughts didn’t matter! I am going to go out there, try my best and own my granny pyjamas! That’s exactly what I did. Of course i heard a lot of laughter and whispering but I still went out there, gave it my very best shot and I was proud to be standing in front of the whole school in granny pyajams. The performance went smoothly except when I fell over back stage and held everyone else up… But something like that was bound to happen to me, I;m just glad it wasn’t worse. Afterwards, while we were waiting for the results, I was excited to find out if we were going to win. I actually thought we had a really good chance.

So then, they announced the winner and it was… US! We were so happy that all of our hard work and sacrificed lunch times for rehearsals was worth it! Once again, I ran up onto the stage with my granny pjs still on along with everyone else and received our award! All I can say is that embarrassing myself was totally worth it.

So to all of you… Please don’t be afraid to do something in high school or anywhere else just becase of what other people think. If you enjoy doing it, then do it! Because in the end we will look back on these memories when we made a fool out of ourselves and be proud of them! So when an opportunity comes up, ask yourself, what would I regret more? Doing this or not doing this? The choice is yours.

Stay lovely,

Just a girl with no clue, is logging off xx

drama plays

Hello lovely readers! Thank you to all of your nice comments on my last post, I love to hear what you have to say.

So, today I want to talk to you about a drama performance I was in a couple of days ago. For my whole life, I have always loved acting, so of course I do drama at school. But in my year group, drama is considered ‘uncool’ which I don’t get because we shouldn’t get judged for doing something we love.

At the start of the year, my drama class was told that we were going to be performing a play and that we would be making it up with the teachers help. I thought that would be fun, so for the last term, we have been rehearsing the play we made up. When the time came to actually perform it, we were ready to go. We were told that only other year groups would be seeing this play, not our own and we were happy that we wouldn’t have to get judged by everyone in our year.

The time came when we were all standing backstage ready to perform and I quickly looked out of the curtain to see how many people were there… That’s when I saw that our year group was there and we all started freaking out. High school students are cruel and they will make fun of you for practically anything, so it was bad enough that other year groups were coming, but now our own? That’s worse.

We obviously had to perform, so we went on stage and gave it our best shot. So all of my friends, enemies and acquaintances saw me act. They also all saw me in a pink puffy dress because the play was set in the olden days, so I just couldn’t wait to hear what people would say about me. (note the sarcasm!)

After the play, we were all very happy because we didn’t stuff up and we couldn’t wait to perform it again the next day. For the rest of the day, I got comments like, ‘nice play, I loved your dress by the way!’ while they walk away from me laughing. Yep, teenagers can be cruel. So yeah, I got made fun of for being myself and doing something I love. Is that really how bad our society is becoming?

The next day, we performed again and more people in our year group were watching, but I was sort of over being embarrassed by it. But during the performance, someone shouted out ‘Gay!’ making the whole audience laugh. Are people really that immature? Does that person even know what the word gay means? Because if they did, then they wouldn’t have shouted it out in a drama play! After the play we were happy because no one stuffed up and everything went according to plan. But like the day before, I got more rude comments and people laughing at me. I don’t get what’s so funny… Was it because of our costumes? Well i’m sorry that we had to dress like we were in the olden days because the play was set in the olden days! I also found out that the person who called out gay, was one of the most popular guys in my year. I honestly don’t get why he’s popular, he just walks around like he is better than everyone else and he always has to be the centre of attention, so why do people laugh at his jokes and like him? I guess that will always be a mystery!

Anyway, thanks for reading and please comment your thoughts. 🙂

Stay beautiful,

Just a girl with no clue, is going offline xx