Granny pyjamas?

Hello everyone! I know, I’m a horrible, horrible person because i haven’t posted anything in a whole month. I feel terrible. Trust me, I haven’t forgotten about this blog at all because I always think, ‘that would be good to write on my blog’ or ‘I should tell everyone about what just happened on my blog.’ I just never actually end up writing it! I think you jut get so caught up in life, that you forget to do some of the things that make you the happiest. And this blog is honestly one of the best things I have. So I am so sorry that I haven’t been around lately, I promise you that will change!

So today I want to talk to you about a very embarrassing and uh… interesting experience I had lately. Every year, at my school, we have this competition when people of about groups of twenty have to do a perfromace and sing a song in front of the whole school. And then the teachers that are the judges, decides who wins. I have done it every year since i’ve been in high school and it is such a great experience! Although, many people say that it’s only for losers and its ‘not cool’ to do it. But I still do it anyway because I want to get involved and enjoy my high school experience as much as I can!

So of course this year I signed up and my group leaders decided that we were doing the song Bad Blood by Taylor Swift… But with a slight twist. Basically, it was set in an old peoples retirement home and it was all about us bickering with each other. It was a hilarious idea. So we practiced it for weeks but then came the day I realised that I would hvae to wear old peoples clothes in fron of the whole entire school! I tried to not let it worry me too much, but you have to admit, I was pretty much commtting social suicide. So I asked my mum for some help with choosing out a costume and she said I can wear some floral pyjamas that looked like a grandma would wear with my pink dressing gown that I have had since forever. So I thought that would be a pretty good costume and I actually loked like an old lady when I tried it on.

The performance day came and I was ready… but kind of nervous that I was going to be dressed a a granny in front of th whole school. Goodbye to any possible guy I could date… Goodbye to people thinking I was normal…

But before the performance, I realised that other peoples thoughts didn’t matter! I am going to go out there, try my best and own my granny pyjamas! That’s exactly what I did. Of course i heard a lot of laughter and whispering but I still went out there, gave it my very best shot and I was proud to be standing in front of the whole school in granny pyajams. The performance went smoothly except when I fell over back stage and held everyone else up… But something like that was bound to happen to me, I;m just glad it wasn’t worse. Afterwards, while we were waiting for the results, I was excited to find out if we were going to win. I actually thought we had a really good chance.

So then, they announced the winner and it was… US! We were so happy that all of our hard work and sacrificed lunch times for rehearsals was worth it! Once again, I ran up onto the stage with my granny pjs still on along with everyone else and received our award! All I can say is that embarrassing myself was totally worth it.

So to all of you… Please don’t be afraid to do something in high school or anywhere else just becase of what other people think. If you enjoy doing it, then do it! Because in the end we will look back on these memories when we made a fool out of ourselves and be proud of them! So when an opportunity comes up, ask yourself, what would I regret more? Doing this or not doing this? The choice is yours.

Stay lovely,

Just a girl with no clue, is logging off xx

Photo day

Hey everyone! I hope that you have all had a good day and that your week so far has been good. Today I want to talk about my school picture day that occurred last Thursday.

You see… I have a tendency to look bad in all of my school photos no matter what, it’s kind of like my thing now. I don’t even get how it happens, I don’t know if I don’t smile fast enough or if i’m just not that photogenic, the point is, school photos for me are nothing to be proud of.

So I wake up on Thursday morning, thinking about how I can do my hair and makeup to make this years school photos look good. Then I check the time and I realise i’m already running late. I quickly throw my school uniform on and look at myself in the mirror, i’m already having a breakout!. It just kept getting better from there. I go into the kitchen to have my morning cereal, but while im making it, I spill milk on my school uniform. I quickly go over to the sink and wash it off, luckily it would dry by the time I got to school. I run back in to my bedroom, even though I should be leaving for school now. I forever try to do something nice with my hair, but nothing would work! I had also apparently forgotten how to braid even though i’ve been braiding my hair for my whole life. Knowing that I’m really late, I throw my hair up into a messy low ponytail. I put my makeup on the best I can, but this breakout really wasn’t helping. Finally, i’m done getting ready even though I failed at looking just little presentable.

I get to school and see all of my friends, of course their hair all looks perfect and none of them had forgotten how to braid this morning! I rush to my first class to get my name marked off, when I realise that my form to hand in when I get my picture, isn’t all filled out. I suddenly go into panic mode and call my mum, it turns out that she had filled out the form online so I didn’t have to worry about it. I get off of the phone and practically run to my first class, by now, my hair is looking like a complete mess. Once we got our names marked off of the role, we head to the auditorium where our photos will be done. While waiting in the line for the whole year group photo, I fix my hair but it still looked horrible.

Finally it was time to have the big group photo with my whole year and I wasn’t feeling confident. The first time the flash went off to take the photo, I didn’t actually know they were taking the photo yet so I wasn’t ready. If they use that version for the yearbook, I will probably have a really stunned expression on my face. In the second photo they took of all of us, I was pretty confident that I actually looked alright, but knowing my luck, they won’t use that one. I don’t actually know how many photos they ended up taking, but what happens to me is that with every photo they take, the more my smile turned into a frown. I have no idea if that makes any sense or if I just sound like a complete freak right now.

So once that is over, we do our individual photos. The photographer that I was going to have was really nice, every time he took a photo of a student, he would say something like, ‘you look amazing!’ or ‘you look beautiful.’ So I go up to the photographer, feeling pretty confident, and sit on the seat provided. He takes the photo and ends up looking quite unsure about it when he looks at the screen on his camera. So, he decided to take another one. I wasn’t losing all of my confidence yet, so I thought maybe this one will look nice. He took it and then looked at the picture for quite a long time, with that same unsure expression on his face. Finally he ends up saying, ‘uhh… yeah, it’s good.’

I mean like seriously! Everyone else looked amazing but all he said to me was, “uhh… yeah, it’s good.” I have no idea if he just decided to make me feel unsure about my picture for the fun of it or because it actually is really bad and he couldn’t be bothered taking another one. All ‘im saying is that I think i’m cursed or something because I seem to be very unlucky on picture day!

Anyway, that is my picture day experience, I hope you all enjoyed reading about my unlucky and awkward mishaps! Have you had any funny picture day experiences? Comment below!

Stay beautiful,

Just a girl with no clue, is going offline xx

10 completely random facts about me

Hello everyone, good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night! Thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your comments and likes on my last post! It really helped me and I’m glad I have a place where I can just vent and be myself for a while, you know?

So today, on a more positive note, I will be telling you some facts about me. All of these facts are going to be completely honest and I hope you enjoy!

1. I am a blonde, and yes, I do have blonde moments even though that sounds completely stereotypical! I just have to admit that I can be a bit ditzy at times!

2. When I finish high school, I hope to go to a university with the best writing courses possible. It doesn’t matter where in the world this university may be, I will get into to it. (As you can tell, I’m a little determined.)

3. I hate when people eat loudly! It completely grosses me out, I mean, can’t people just chew quietly?

4. I believe that we are all here for a reason, that we can make a difference in this world… No matter how small that change may be.

5. I have accidentally shaved one of my eyebrows off. For more information on that, have a look at my blog post called ‘Eyebrows…’

6. I am completely uncoordinated, the only things I am not completely uncoordinated at are writing and netball. Apart from those two things, I’m pretty hopeless.You should’ve seen me try gymnastics in P.E last year, my friends thought that it was hilarious… unlike me.

7. I tend to embarrass myself at least ten times a day… It’s sort of like a second nature to me now.

8. All the guys who I have been with or I have had a crush on are jerks. It’s literally like I am attracted to players and losers.

9. I am not happy with the way I look due to the fact that I don’t look like the perfect girl who society tells us to be. I try to be happy with myself though, because I know that we are all beautiful in our own way, even if I sometimes don’t think that.

10. Lastly, I am totally against popularity and labels. We all get labelled for things that we’re not and I don’t think that’s right. I also think that it doesn’t matter if you’re ‘popular’ or not because frankly, popularity is just something to make some people feel happy with themselves and others feel sad.

So that is ten random facts about me, I hope you enjoyed this blog post and remember to comment! Maybe tell me some facts about you, or some facts that we both may have in common.

Remember to stay fabulous,

Just a girl with no clue, is going offline xx

Is this Anxiety?

Hello to you amazing readers! Today I want to talk about anxiety.

I’m confused. Do I have anxiety or don’t I? I really just want to know. In the dictionary Anxiety is defined as: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety disorder is defined as: a psychiatric disorder causing feelings of persistent anxiety.

But I believe that there is way more to it than just those definitions. We are told that many teenagers suffer from it and it’s completely normal, but how do we even believe that? I don’t know if I have normal anxiety that everyone else should have or if it’s more than that. I feel as if all of my friends are way calmer than me at times. I feel like I’m the only one worrying about stuff.

I worry if there’s a big crowd of people and I have to say, ‘excuse me.’ to get through. I worry about having to talk to one of my teachers, or accidentally saying the wrong thing, or accidentally opening my car door into another car parked next to us, I worry if I think my friend is mad at me but she actually isn’t, I worry about a lot of things like that and im not sure if it’s normal.

My worrying also holds me back from many other things. Like going to a friend’s house if I don’t know their parents that well, or making a fool out of myself at parties, or even just going on a camp. If you have read one of my previous posts about music camp then you will know that I went and had a great time. But I didn’t tell you that I was freaking out before hand. I was worried people would be making fun of me because of the clothes I would be wearing, or how I wore my hair or even just what my pyjamas looked like! I know, I’m a freak.

I also have these weird panic attack things. I don’t if they are actually panic attacks but i’ll describe to you how I feel when i’m having one. I completely freak out, I start to think of all the worst possible scenarios, my breathing becomes harder and all I want to do is cry. If I’m in public I obviously won’t cry while it’s happening but when i’m alone I do. The room becomes blurry and I can’t breath properly, and sometimes hyperventilate, but then I sometimes don’t.

I honestly don’t know if that’s a panic attack or anything but that’s what happens to me when I start to worry and things get a bit too much.

But the thing is, i’m really good at hiding it. Let’s just say that I do something really embarrassing in public and my friends might be like, ‘Don’t be embarrassed or anything, they’re losers if they laugh.’ I will then just laugh along and say, “I don’t care what they think anyway!” But inside I really just want to run away. And then for the rest of the day I worry about it and I feel horrible. I’m all about being different from the crowd and being yourself but sometimes it’s just hard to think that, you know?

So is this anxiety? Or am I just a really weird person? Pease let me know!

Stay beautiful,

Just a girl with no clue, is going offline.


Hey everyone,

I am so sorry that I haven’t posted in a while, everything has just been so busy! I hope you all had a really good Easter and enjoyed it as much as I did!

You are all probably wondering why the title is ‘eyebrows…’ So I am going to tell you a story about something that has recently happened to me.

So you know how our generation is completely obsessed with eyebrows? It’s actually like the most important thing to girls now, your eyebrows just have to be perfect. It’s like, if someone said that your eyebrows looked good, it would be the best compliment ever. I’m not saying that girls wanting their eyebrows to look good is a bad thing, I’m just saying that society has shown us that it is a very important thing to our appearance. Some girls already have perfectly shaped eyebrows and they have to hardly do anything… but that’s definitely not me.

I’m blond, so I don’t have naturally dark eyebrows and I usually fill them in, and that’s okay. I also usually get them waxed once a month, and my eyebrows actually look fine. But because I’m me,  I tried to find an easier way for my eyebrows to look good. So I found this ‘eyebrow shaver.’ I honestly thought that it was the solution to all of my problems and I was so excited to try it out. I didn’t have to get them waxed anymore which actually really hurts and I didn’t have to make small talk with the lady that does my eyebrows. So its really a win, win situation… right?

I was wrong.. oh, I was completely wrong.

So I got it out, and started it up. It was working out absolutely great and I was so happy that it was working. But once I had finished… I realised that I had somehow shaved parts of my eyebrows off. My left eyebrow had multiple bold spots on it and I only ended up with half of my right eyebrow.

That resulted in me having to fill them in and practically draw them on for the past week.

I tried to make it look good but…

It was not a nice look.

So that’s my embarrassing eyebrow story that might’ve made you laugh… like my parents and brothers… and friends did. Actually, strangers were probably laughing at me.

Anyway, thanks for reading and don’t forget to comment your thoughts. Have you had any beauty mishaps? Feel free to share your story, I’m sure yours isn’t any more embarrassing than mine!

Stay beautiful, (with good eyebrows)

Just a girl with no clue, is going offline xx